Dragons Voice CIC

The GM Mental Wellbeing Grants programme, funded by Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership and delivered by GMCVO, aims to support people from communities of identity or experience, based in Greater Manchester, that may struggle to achieve higher levels of mental wellbeing.  

This case study shares more about grant recipients, Dragons Voice CIC, who received a £1,000 micro-grant  to deliver a series of Chinese art and craft sessions.

Who are they?

Since they were incorporated in August 2022, Dragons Voice CIC have been providing a wide range of activities to benefit the Chinese community in Greater Manchester. Their work promotes positive images and attitudes of the Chinese community and supports those who want to learn more about the Chinese culture. They have also now diversified to include other migrant communities in their activities. 

What do they do? 

Dragons Voice CIC have a broadcast on community radio, ALL FM 96.9, once a fortnight in Mandarin and Cantonese. Their volunteers, most of whom are over 50 , speak on air to develop their self-confidence. Their volunteers receive training in basic radio production, editing, presenting and communication skills, and research. The broadcast helps to disseminate information and reduce loneliness and isolation in the Chinese Community. You can listen to all their previous shows here

In collaboration with the University of Hull, Dragons Voice CIC has contributed to a piece of research that explored employment of older migrants. You can read more about this research project here

They are also currently working on a vaccination project that is exploring why some Chinese people do not have vaccinations. They are interviewing people from a variety of age groups. They will go on to create an audio package to share their findings.  

What was the grant used for? 

The grant enabled them to deliver their “Be Your Creative Self” project between January and March 2024. The project encouraged people to engage with a series of Chinese art and craft sessions. They delivered six sessions that covered calligraphy, Chinese painting, watercolour painting and lantern making. The artist at the session would introduce the principles, techniques and the attendees would be encouraged to create.  

Dragons Voice CIC ran a Chinese New Year event on 17th February 2024 at Longsight Library to celebrate the Lunar New Year with friends and families, sharing cultural celebrations with others in the local community. They invited performers to sign, dance, play musical instruments and model traditional Chinese clothing. During the event they offered opportunities to learn and practice calligraphy, painting and origami.  

"As the organiser I am so glad we gave our community members opportunities to learn traditional Chinese arts, spend time together happily enjoying each others' company. The Chinese New Year event was especially memorable as we shared our culture with the wider community and the performers did a splendid job entertaining the guests"
Yuen Megson, Director, Dragons Voice CIC.

What impact did the funding have? 

Attendees of the project commented that it had been an opportunity to learn, socialise and make connections with others. The sessions helped improve their physical and mental health (soul, translated from Chinese) and made them happy.  

The visitors and volunteers at their Lunar New Year event felt it was a great success; they are hoping for a bigger and better event next year!


Find out more about the GM Mental Wellbeing programme by clicking here.


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