Living Life to the Full (LLTTF) is one of the world’s most used wellbeing support packages. It is delivered online or in-person over six 1.5 – 2 hour sessions and helps participants work out why they feel as they do, how to tackle problems, build confidence, get going again, feel happier, stay calm and tackle upsetting thoughts using everyday non-complex language. It’s content is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques.
GMCVO co-ordinates delivery of train the trainer courses to voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations so that they can deliver the sessions to the people and communties that they work with.
Angels of Hope attended the training in February 2023, and received a small grant to help pay to deliver the courses to the people they work with. This case study shares their experience of delivering the sessions.
Who are they?
Angels of Hope are a women's organisation that runs Outreach Services serving women and girls who have experienced domestic abuse and other harmful practices. Most of these women are Asylum seekers and Refugees living in accommodated shelter. They empower women to become independent and self-reliant and also inspire women to support others by volunteering and by providing space for them to share ideas.
Most of the women originate from Africa, from countries such as Malawi, Zambia and Kenya, but there is a wide range of attendees from a variety of black and minority ethnic backgrounds. The age range is from 20-70 years old with most in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s.
The women who access their services would not be able to access mainstream provision and need to have culturally appropriate support from a community based organisation they trust and feel safe with.
How was the training delivered?
Leah Chikamba, the founder of Angels of Hope, has delivered two courses of Living Life to the Full and is intending to deliver more in the future.
The two courses were delivered face to face in March, April and May, training 17 women over the two courses. It was important that the course was face to face so the women were away from their own home so they could get a break from their circumstances and to be in a place where there is no is fear of being overheard.
How has the training made a difference?
Many of the women attending had never been able to talk openly about the mental health issues they experience. Stigma and cultural norms have previously made this impossible. While at the same time the women are living in circumstances which are very challenging. Moving to a different country, often not speaking English well, being away from family and friends, experiencing domestic violence, awaiting the results of asylum claims and being unable to work all take its toll on their mental health. Many of the women have a professional background and find it really difficult not being to use their skills and education.

During the course, for the first time, many of the women were able to ‘open up’ and talk about how they feel. They were able to support each other and share experiences. They were able to work together to come up with ways they can improve their mental wellbeing.
As a result of the course participants have said they are more confident to attend other activities and provision and some have started volunteering.
One participant has really thrived. She has been able to leave the situation she was living in where she experienced domestic abuse. Her health has improved, she started attending events and volunteering. She attended both the LLTTF courses and has built her confidence to such an extent that she is now employed by Angels of Hope.
From her own perspective, Leah the trainer, really loved delivering the course. She felt her delivery improved the second time around and is really looking forward to delivering it again in the Autumn.
“I have learnt so much about myself from delivering it, learning from the materials and the women on the course” Leah, Angels of Hope
Find out more
In Greater Manchester Train the Trainer courses are currently being delivered for the following:
Living Life to the Full (LLTTF) - for low mood and stress.
Reclaim Your Life (RYL) - for those living with long term health conditions.
To find out more about how you can become a community trainer, visit our dedicated web page.
In addition, there is a free website, GM Lifeskills, where members of the public can access a range of self-help resources in different languages.