Rio, 18, was referred to Dora, one of our Talent Coaches working at Bolton Lads and Girls Club (BLGC), from Bolton Community and Voluntary Services. It took a few months for Dora to meet with Rio face-to-face due to Rio’s anxiety of meeting new people.
Rio didn't know where Bolton Lads & Girls Club was so Dora met her in Bolton town centre and then walked with her to BLGC.
Rio was very cautious on first meeting, not knowing what to expect from GM’s Hidden Talent. She wasn't sure what she wanted to achieve.
Prior to meeting Dora, Rio had interview lined up with Bolton College, for an art course due to begin in September 2020. She had to create a portfolio of work as part of the interview process. Doing this preparation made Rio begin to realise that college and the art course wasn't for her.
Through conversations with Dora, Rio began to feel that art wasn't something she wanted to focus on as a career but more of a hobby.
Dora said: “It was great to see Rio figure this out and she took it upon herself to cancel all appointments with the College. I could see she was taking charge of her own life and being responsible for her actions.”
In their continuing 1:1's, Rio began to show interest in working in a café. She and Dora discussed the possibility of work experience as well as applying for jobs. Dora saw a job advertised in a café in a local park in Bolton.
“When I suggested applying for the job to Rio, she was very interested. Her enthusiasm was fantastic as it was something I wasn't expecting,” said Dora.
To apply for the job Rio needed to create and submit a CV.
When she Dora sat down with Rio to begin work on her CV, Rio initially didn't think she'd be able to produce one.
“She felt she didn’t have any work experience or the right skills and qualities,” said Dora.
“Through our discussions however, she was able to pull out many skills and qualities and recall work experiences that she had forgotten.
Although Rio did not get the position, she continues to explore what else interests her.
Dora said: “I have seen Rio become more focused in her future and she has been very willing investigate options and keep an open mind. Rio is a very intelligent young person who is clearly capable of work. She will go far once she's explored her options and trusts more in her abilities as a person.”
Pre coronavirus lockdown, Dora had the flexibility to reach out to Rio at her home. She encouraged Rio to get out of the house, get used to traveling on public transport and attend world of work visits (arranged through another BLGC employability programme, Get a Job).
Reflecting on her progress to date, Rio said: "I've been given more direction and have gotten around to doing things I wouldn't have done otherwise. I feel more confident in myself and have access to resources I didn't before."