Young person supported to find accommodation and volunteer placement

Alex* self-referred himself for support in February 2022 after a difficult period of poor mental health, and more recently, homelessness. 

Before being supported by Manchester Young Lives, Alex was sofa-surfing causing additional stress on top of the anxiety and depression he was suffering from. 

Since working with Talent Coach Sam, Alex has been able to find semi-supported accommodation through Shelter. He has been able to get a good night’s sleep for the first time in a while. 

Sam has been supporting him to find volunteer positions in the childcare industry; he enjoyed looking after his young siblings in the past but has no professional experience. 

With a more stable home life and support from his Talent Coach, just this week Alex has been able to secure himself a 1-day a week placement at a local nursery.

“I can’t thank Sam enough for the support she has given me in such as short space of time. I finally have a place to call mine and I had my first full night sleep the night I moved into my accommodation and I can already feel my health changing for the better”

With Sam’s support, Alex has been able to increase his confidence, motivation and determination. He has a clearer understanding of the skills and knowledge required to work in the childcare industry and feels more secure in his home life, now with his own room and coping mechanics for dealing with his mental health issues day to day.

His Talent Coach, Sam, said;

“This young person has achieved such a lot in such a short space of time, he just needed someone to listen and help where he was struggling. His confidence is growing daily along with his determination to make something of himself and I believe he will”
*Not their real name 


Greater Manchester's Hidden Talent is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund, and led by GMCVO.

The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.  It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment.   For more information, visit here.




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