GM Funders Forum briefing: Live Well

 Registration is closed for this event
A chance for funders to connect to the work of Live Well and explore the potential for collaboration and alignment with a Live Well Fund.

This briefing will give funders in Greater Manchester the opportunity to connect to the work of Live Well, and explore the potential for collaboration and alignment with a Live Well Fund, to be launched as a prototype later this year.

Zoe Porter, Associate Director of Person and Community Centred Approach at NHS GM, and Tabz O’Brien, Strategic Lead for Live Well at NHS GM/GMCA, will reflect on the story of this work so far, and invite insights and contributions from Forum members about their learning, and potential opportunities that could be explored.

Live Well is Greater Manchester’s movement for community-led health and wellbeing, supporting healthier, happier and fairer communities by growing opportunities for everyone to Live Well. Live Well is the name of the region’s work and shared commitment to ensure:

  • People have opportunities to be healthy, happy and connected through a variety of activities, support and information
  • People can help make their communities healthier and happier, they are being heard and making a difference
  • Communities have the resources to make change happen 

One strand of work in this last year has been to explore the potential establishment of a joint investment fund to increase resource for community led health and wellbeing, and work collectively to ensure it has the best possible impact for people and communities experiencing health inequalities.

Join this session to hear more about the results of conversations so far, to share your knowledge and expertise in this area as a funder, and see how a collaboration could progress where there might be common interest.

Find out more about the GM Funders Forum here.


23rd July, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

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