Intro to legal structures and governance (BOLTON)

Mon, 15 Jul 2024

13:00 - 16:00


Wondering which is the right legal structure for your Social Enterprise? These sessions will explore the options available and, using real world examples, help you to evaluate what might be the right legal structure and governance approach for your organisation.

This on-line workshop will be led by Adrian Ashton, an award-winning Charity and Enterprise consultant. Drawing on over 15 years of experience in the sector, Adrian will inform, inspire and support you to explore the different options available for your organisation.

You can expect:

- A potted history of Social Enterprise (and why it’s important)

- The ‘Select-a-Structure’ quiz – What do you need from your legal structure, what legal structures are available and what are their pros and cons

- Governance – what is it, why is it important and what might be right for you

The workshop will be interactive, with lots of opportunity to discuss your business, in a forum with peers from the local Social Enterprise sector.


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