Explore our new Social Enterprise Support Directory - bringing together a range of social enterprise support in one easy-to-use online directory
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For a helpful downloadable support toolkit for social enterprises click here. This toolkit was originally designed for BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) entrepreneurs, but is potentially useful for all social entrepreneurs in Greater Manchester.
Online guides and information
Community Shares' support section includes guidance materials and a step-by-step guide for those looking into community shares offers
Digital Boost have free resources on their website to support you in a number of areas including strategy, sales, marketing, finance and more. They also offer 1-2-1 mentoring from volunteer experts
Get SITR offers resources and information on Social Investment Tax Relief
Good Finance is a website which aims to help charities & social enterprises navigate the world of social investment
Locality provide a range of guides and resources for community organisations
My Community provides a Knowledge Article Library and a range of resources on how to take action in your community aimed at community-led projects
School for Social Entrepreneurs have a Resource Hub for social entrepreneurs at all stages of development
Social Enterprise UK's 'Advice & Resources' section includes resources for getting started, practical guides to social enterprise and a range of information and reports
The Hive is a support programme for co-operatives from Co-operatives UK and they provide a range of online resources along with advice, mentoring and training for all types of cooperatives, including community benefit societies, and a section on governance and legal options
UnLtd's Learning Area provides a suite of training guides for people developing their social enterprise