For some guidance on what you need to consider before taking on investment, see Good Finance's list here.
If you would like to apply to our Access to Growth fund or Community Developers but think your organisation needs support to become investment-ready, have a look at our social enterprise support directory to find an appropriate support organisation. You may also be able to apply for a Reach Fund grant.
Reach Fund grants for investment-readiness support
GMCVO is a Reach Fund Access Point. This means we can refer you to apply to the Reach Fund, which offers grants of between £5,000 to £15,000 to spend on the support you need. The Reach Fund is to be used to get you to a point where you are able to put together a strong application for a loan. Grants offered are not for general capacity building.
In order to be able to apply for the Reach Fund you need to already be in touch with an Access Point like us and aiming to apply for social investment. If you would like to apply for a loan with us but you think you might need support from the Reach Fund first, please contact us first (T: 0161 277 1007, E: We will then discuss your needs with you and decide if the Reach Fund is a suitable next step.
If the Reach Fund is the right option for you, we will work with you to identify the support you need and put together an investment-readiness plan. You would then be invited to apply to the Reach Fund for a grant to pay for the support identified.
You can find more information about the Reach Fund, on the Reach Fund website and full application guidance is available here.
Social enterprise support directory
If you're looking for organisations and individuals who offer a range of investment-readiness support you can use our new-and-improved social enterprise support directory. The directory gives you a list of support providers who have given us details of the support they offer. This includes types of support relating to 'investment readiness' but also a much broader range of support available (e.g. training & learning, equality & diversity, mentoring & coaching to name a few). All support providers on the list have agreed to offer the first consultation free of charge to Access to Growth / Community Developers / Reach Fund applicants. This means you will be able to discuss your needs with potential support providers and find the right support provider for you.
NB: The directory is not intended as a recommendation of any support providers listed, but simply as a signposting tool.
Can you provide social enterprise support?
This could be things like financial planning, development and strategy, building and architecture, legal advice or mentoring alongside a range of other categories. To register as a support provider to be listed on our social enterprise support directory please complete the webform here.
Listing requirements includes:
The requirement that you agree to provide an initial consultation for free
A short written summary of your support offer
A checklist to indicate which types of support you offer
NB: The support directory does not constitute a recommendation from GMCVO and applicants seeking support will be responsible for selecting and commissioning the help they require. GMCVO reserves the right to remove any entry on the support directory, although we will not actively seek feedback on services provided.