We host a number of thematic networks to connect people and organisations, build relationships and enable members to access better access to knowledge, information and support, including:
Greater Manchester Ethnic Communities Network
The Greater Manchester Ethnic Communities Network aims to provide networking opportunities and better access to knowledge, information and support for Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector organisations led by and/or supporting communities who experience racial inequalities across Greater Manchester. The Network holds regular meetings, working in partnership with Manchester BME Network.
Greater Manchester Equality Alliance (GM=EqAl)
GM=EqAl brings together VCSE groups and organisations from a wide range of experience in Greater Manchester, and sharing their knowledge and learning to influence policy.
Greater Manchester Social Enterprise Network (GMSEN)
We work closely with other Social Enterprise networks in GM to provide a 'network of networks' for social enterprises, and those who want to buy from, support or work with social enterprises.
Greater Manchester Third Sector Research Network
A network for those actively involved in collecting and/or analysing information about the VCFSE sector in Greater Manchester (including VCFSE workers/volunteers, academics, independent researchers and statutory workers). Bi-monthly meetings provide an informal and supportive environment to share ideas and experiences.