This report, by the Northern Health Science Alliance and N8 Research Partnership, paints a stark picture of growing inequality for children growing up in the North of England post-pandemic compared to those in the rest of the country. Amongst their findings were:
• Children in the North have a 27% chance of living in poverty compared to 20% in the rest of England.
• They missed more schooling in lockdown than their peers elsewhere in England. Only 14% received four or more pieces of offline schoolwork per day, compared with 20% country-wide.
• More than one in five children in the North are from an ethnic minority. These children are more likely to live in a deprived area than children from an ethnic minority in the rest of England.
The report also sets out 18 clear recommendations to tackle the ever widening gap between the North of England and the rest of the country.
Click here to read the report.