Online lectures featuring academic perspectives on voluntary action

In times when voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations are busier than ever it often feels like a luxury to step back and reflect. But engaging with research can be both inspiring and useful. When changing circumstances require us to adapt our approaches and design new ones, good research can help us understand the underlying factors that cause issues to occur and guide us in our redesign work.

GMCVO's new lecture series that aims to link VCSE practitioners to academic ideas and evidence. The series will feature leading academic thinkers on topics that are relevant for the VCSE sector and voluntary action. Hosted online, the format will combine a 30-minute lecture followed by an opportunity to ask questions. These lectures are a great opportunity to explore new ideas and evidence conveniently from the comfort of your own computer.

The series aims to give voluntary sector audiences and policymakers an opportunity to step back from day-to-day concerns and think more broadly about topics and ideas that can inform everyday practice.

Past lectures

  • 'Back to the Future? Voluntary Action, the State and Welfare Provision' looked at what history might tell us about the future role of the VCSE in welfare provision. Delivered by Georgina Brewis, University College London, and Angela Ellis Paine, University of Birmingham. Watch here.

  • 'The Care Crisis' discusses the ways in which austerity, marketisation and financialisation have exacerbated a deep-reaching care crisis. Delivered by Emma Dowling, University of Vienna. Watch here.

  • ''The Good Glow': The Symbolic Power of Charity' considered how much the sector can continue to rely on goodwill, and the practical implications of this for local charities’ own efforts in fundraising and volunteer involvement. Delivered by Jon Dean, Sheffield Hallam University. Watch here.

  • 'Community Wealth Building in community-based economic development'. This lecture covered the long view of community-based economic development since the 1970s. Delivered by Dr Gillian Murray, Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health. Watch here.

  • 'Volunteering: Panacea or Problem?': contemporary context of volunteering, focussing on both pitfalls and possibilities. Delivered by Emma Dowling, University of Vienna.

  • 'Leisure in the social service welfare state: how the past might shape the future'. This presentation traced how leisure became part of social work and social policy in the 19th century. Delivered by Dr. Robert Snape, University of Bolton.

  • 'Preparing for political change? The voluntary sector and a government in waiting'. This lecture explored the current context of relationships between the voluntary sector and a government in waiting. Delivered by Rob Macmillan, Sheffield Hallam University. Watch here.

If you have suggestions for future lectures, please contact

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