Upcoming event on Open and Trusting Grant-making

The Greater Manchester Funders Forum are hosting an event for grant makers, social investors and public sector funders to provide an opportunity to hear from the Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) on Open and Trusting Grant-making

In response to Covid-19, many funders changed their practice overnight; simplifying application processes, making project grants unrestricted, and reducing reporting requirements. IVAR wanted to hold onto these positive changes for the long-term, so in February 2021 they founded Open and Trusting Grant-making, and developed a learning community of over 100 grant-makers who are committed to making and managing grants in a way that reflects their confidence in the organisations they fund.

At the event we will hear more about the eight commitments to Open and Trusting Grant-making, why they matter, and how funders can put them into practice. 

The event will also offer an opportunity to hear directly from a charity on what they want from funders, and from GM Funders Forum collaboration group members on how being part of the group and the commitments has influenced their organisations and begun to make positive changes.

Book your place here.

The Greater Manchester Funders Forum, facilitated by GMCVO, exists to enable independent grant makers, social investors and public sector funders to collaborate and coordinate programmes. Find out more on our website.

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