Vacancy: GMCVO Chair

Do you want to help grow economic activity for all communities in Greater Manchester? Do you want to build your network of contacts and your understanding of social change?

GMCVO is a leading player in the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in Greater Manchester and is looking for a new Chair of Trustees. The current board has overseen a transformation of the organisation and supported new leadership to develop activities designed to meet the challenges of an uncertain future.  With a new direction established and with support from partners and stakeholders we are now keen to further develop our leadership on establishing a more inclusive economy in Greater Manchester.

This is a leading role to help build community ownership and reduce economic and social inequality.  Greater Manchester has some of the nation’s most deprived areas but has strong and growing track record of community led economic development.  

We want to hear from people with experience of governance who possess a strong understanding of the responsibilities of charity governance and Trusteeship. We need someone who shares our commitment to building a more equal Greater Manchester and are particularly interested in hearing from candidates who have an understanding of the challenges faced by local communities and/or socially focussed trading organisations.

Click on the link below to find out more about how you can help provide life changing opportunities for local people, reduce social isolation and reduce economic, racial and age-related inequalities. 

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