GM Health and Social Care VCSE Engagement Project Evaluation

The GM Health and Social Care VCSE Engagement programme has been running since May 2016 and is due to come to an end in September 2021. In October 2020 the funders (GM Health and Social Care Partnership) and GMCVO, on behalf of the Greater Manchester VCSE Leadership Group, commissioned Cordis Bright to conduct a 6-month long evaluation to find out how successful the programme has been during its first 4.5 years.

Overall the evaluation found that the programme has made demonstrable progress towards the longer-term outcomes set out in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU - an agreement between GM Health and Social Care Partnership and the GM VCSE sector), but also in delivering intermediate outcomes such as stronger relationships, mutual understanding, the capacity and skills to engage in strategic conversations, and a wider recognition of the contribution the VCSE sector can make.

It also highlighted areas of work that need to continue to fully realise the ambitions set out in the MoU. 

Read the executive summary, full report and case studies from the project below. 

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