GM Talent Match Critical Learning: Working with employers

Greater Manchester Talent Match was led by GMCVO betwee 2013 and 2018, and funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.

The programme brought together the private, public and voluntary sectors to support young people aged 18 - 24 who had not been in employment, education or training for twelve months or more.

This report details the approaches Greater Manchester Talent Match programme took to engaging and involving employers. It presents seven key learning points:

  1. Involve the right kinds of employers in programme partnerships and include them in key decision making. Establish clear communications between these employers and other stakeholder groups.

  2. Bring employers, and young people together to create new networks and facilitate understanding.

  3. Channel programme resources in a way that maximises the potential for change. As part of this consider recruiting employer engagement staff with clearly delineated responsibilities.

  4. Build a business case for employers that stresses the benefits of engaging with unemployed young people.

  5. Strike the balance between engaging different sized employers.

  6. Take advantage of existing employment pathways.

  7. Wherever possible evidence outcomes to shape future delivery and influence policy makers.

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