This guide is designed to support community workers and organisations to deliver an inclusive microfunding programme. It includes details on:
Designing the application process
Providing support and capacity-building opportunities
Delivering assessment panels
Funding packs, contracts and making the investment
Inductions for project providers
Monitoring and case studies
and the delivery of projects.
It is based on learning from Ambition for Ageing’s seven-year delivery of microfunding programmes worth over £2million across Greater Manchester, with a focus on being inclusive, co-production and providing wraparound support at every step of the process.
Ambition for Ageing was a Greater Manchester-wide programme that aimed to reduce social isolation for people aged over 50, to create more age-friendly places, and to empower people to live fulfilling lives as they age. It was a partnership programme led by GMCVO and funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, as part of the Ageing Better programme.
Learning from the programme showed that the right environment and support to provide guidance, mediation, and oversight to community organisations, the changes offered by a small pot of money can have a significant impact.
If you would like to have further discussion about the work and how we could support you, we would love to chat. Get in touch with
The Guide is available to download below.