Greater Manchester’s Hidden Talent’s response to the Covid-19 crisis

This report highlights how the GM's Hidden Talent programme has adapted to face the demanding circumstances brought about by Covid-19.

As a one-to-one employability support programme built on the principles of attending to the holistic needs of the individual; operating under the restrictions of social distancing has posed substantial challenges.

The report details how one-one support has continued 
in the context of social distancing

Hidden young people frequently need support that extends beyond job searching and careers advice. They benefit from coaching and mentoring that moves back upstream; addressing general well-being and resolving difficulties around individual’s living situations. This report will showcase how this work has still been possible and how it has been more important than ever during the Covid-19 crisis.

The report will also serve as a guide for programme governance across the remaining eight months of GM’s Hidden Talent. It has pinpointed difficulties the crisis has exacerbated or introduced for hidden young people and will enable GMCVO to continue to host honest dialogue with partners around progress and target

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