Supporting our Staff as Older Carers: a VCSE briefing

GMCVO-led Ambition for Ageing’s Working Potential has released a briefing that outlines how VCSE organisations can support older carers as employees or potential employees and therefore lead by example in this area.

Key points from the briefing include:

  • Leading by example doesn’t have to be expensive.
  • Simple adaptations can make recruitment and working practices, flexible for all and raise an organisation’s profile to one of an employer of choice.
  • Flexibility in workplace practices aids staff retention, widens the pool from which you recruit and improves staff loyalty and morale.
  • Adopting and promoting a carers policy consistently across an organisation means staff know their entitlements and feel confident discussing their needs with an understanding employer, resulting in a reduction of sick leave and an increase in staff resilience and productivity.
  • Ensuring recruitment is flexible and inclusive, demonstrates VCSE principles in action.

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