VCSE Commissioning Framework and Delivery Plan

Following the agreement of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership and the Accord with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, the VCSE Leadership Group identified a number of priority areas in order to support sector engagement including Commissioning, Procurement and VCSE Investment. In order to drive this priority, the Joint Commissioning Team commissioned a review of existing commissioning with the VCSE sector and the development of a The VCSE Commissioning Framework and Delivery Plan.

The VCSE Commissioning Framework and Delivery Plan is the product of intense consultation and interaction with commissioners, commissioned VCSE groups, and leaders from both the health and social care environment and the VCSE sector across the ten localities. Over forty in-depth interviews and a number of consultative events were undertaken at locality and Greater Manchester levels, and the recommendations made in the plan are based on and inspired by the stories and experiences that were shared, the opinions gathered and the examples given.

The VCSE Commissioning Framework and Delivery Plan is not intended to be a one-off review or a toolkit that receives intermittent attention. It recommends a fundamental shift in culture, investment and process for the benefit of Greater Manchester’s communities and citizens. This shift will require a major commitment from all parties along with the resources to drive and further develop the VCSE Commissioning Framework and Delivery Plan. So far it has been endorsed by the GM VCSE Leadership Group and the Joint Commissioning Board. Through the Directors of Commissioning Group, commitment has also been received to embed the recommendations into locality plans and approaches.

We ask that VCSE organisations become familiar with its recommendations and start to mention and refer to it when working with their commissioners.

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