GMCVO are delivering this grant programme on behalf of the Transpennine Route Upgrade (TRU) to improve local spaces and services along its 70-mile route between Manchester, Huddersfield, Leeds and York.
A total of £175,000 is to be distributed along the route, with funding available in the form of small grants (£1,000 to £5,000) or medium grants (£5,000 to £20,000).
Community projects within 5 miles of the core TRU route and its key diversionary routes will be eligible to receive funding.
The Community Fund aims to drive the Transpennine Route Upgrade to achieve two main objectives:
To act as a catalyst for regeneration by enhancing and protecting community ‘spaces and places’ along the route.
To support the delivery of the TRU team in volunteering in the community to develop job skills and shape public spaces alongside the communities that use them.
Funding available and what we can fund:
Small Grants:
Closed on Monday 16th September.
Apply for between £1,000 and £5,000.
A total of £87,500 is available. We expect to fund between 17 and 22 projects.
Project delivery is expected to begin in October or November 2024 and end no later than January 2027.
Medium Grants:
Now open. Closes on 12:00pm on Monday 30th September.
Apply for between £5,000 and £20,000.
A total of £87,500 is available. We expect to fund between 4 and 6 projects.
Project delivery is expected to begin in November or December 2024 and end no later than January 2027.
Both the small and medium grants funding can be used to cover many costs within the organisation, such as staff time, equipment, room hire, materials however we would expect that this is good value for money and that the costs are a direct relation to your project as described in the application. We are happy to fund reasonable labour costs required for design and construction/renovation but operational labour for that facility is not to be included.
Please note that the funding will be spread across the TRU routes’ geography to ensure a wide coverage of activities across the stations, towns and cities impacted by the development.
You must be a not for profit organisation within the VCFSE sector or the Education sector
You must be delivering in a place/s which are in the 50% most deprived areas in England (deciles 1-5 of the Index of Multiple Deprivation). This can be checked at www.findthatpostcode.uk/
You must be delivering the Project within 5 miles of the Transpennine Route Upgrade core or formal Diversionary Route. Click here to view the map.
The project will create or enhance/improve a place or space (indoor or outdoor)
The project must align with one or more of the following four pillars which make up the TRU sustainability and social value strategy:
Northern jobs: job opportunities, upskilling, training and work experience for local people, in areas of high deprivation, supporting under-represented groups
Enhancing the environment: restoring nature, reducing carbon footprint, adopting circular economy principals and supporting sustainability
Satisfied customers: a safe, reliable and accessible railway, station facilities and or environment in the immediate vicinity for local people
Working with our communities: investing in wellbeing, education and community spaces, green space
Applications where projects focus on the following will be favored: improving or encouraging the use of public spaces and places along the route, improving access of communities to green space, working with local communities in areas of high deprivation and/or high transport related social exclusion, directly supporting under-represented communities, and provision of volunteer opportunities for the TRU team.
Online Information sessions
We held two online information sessions to provide a chance for potential applicants to find out more. Watch it online here.
How to apply
Applications for small grants (£1,000-£5,000) have now closed.
Applications for medium grants (£5,000 - £20,000) have now closed.
Deadlines to apply:
Small grants (CLOSED): 12 noon, Monday 16th September.
Medium grants (CLOSED): 12 noon, Monday 30th September.
Please ensure you have read the full guidance document for full details before submitting an enquiry form.